Another year and yet another set of RESOLUTIONS we have determined to follow with assimilated result rates, predictably low to almost nil.

Most of the resolutions connect with self-wellness goals; be it fitness, weight loss, good sleep hygiene, quit smoking & many more.

Coming to the point; good intentions of a new start generally end with a disappointment every year.

In my view [All my take], a resolution should be strong enough to have a cause and simple enough to keep it going. ‘What about starting investing in yourself this year?’ ‘Investing in Wellness’

  • Most of us invest for Wealth Growth Plans like mutual Fund etc. for better return to beat inflammation.
  • We invest in PPF, FD, Gold Bonds, Equity, Kanya Samriddhi and through many other platforms to secure our future.
  • We even invest in Life insurance, car insurance, home insurance, health insurance and other such type of insurances to secure our future from uncertainties.

For managing all these investments, we hire professional experts from the said fields but when we plan for our wellness, we simply try to manage on our own or refer to Google

But has anyone thought of investing in a Wellness Programme, customized to look after you by a team of skilled wellness experts who can guide you about your diet, physical fitness requirement, wellness quotient, happiness index?

Do you know that a Diabetes/ High Blood pressure patient/ A person suffering from any Life Style Disease expends nearly 2000 – 2500 bucks per month on routine medicines, follow-ups, tests, and sometimes hospitalization? Anyone can easily reduce such expenses with a health investment plan under an expert’s supervision.

Our stance should be PROACTIVE and not REACTIVE.

 Team ‘METAMORPHOSIS’ would like to help you in keeping your resolution not losing its sheen like all these years….

Feel free to connect us at