Dibya Prakash
• Wellness Therapist • Dietician • Yoga & Meditation Practitioner • Counsellor • Deep Sleep Mentor • Blogger • Social worker
A Wellness Therapist, Dietician (Life Member of IDA), Counsellor, Yoga & Meditation Practitioner, Deep Sleep coach, Blogger, Social worker and a Certified Trainer.
Strong Bones, Safe Aging: How to Prevent Fractures
If you’ve ever observed an apartment or office building being constructed, you might have noticed the metal scaffolding that supports the structure. Similarly, within your body, bones serve as the framework that keeps you standing upright. As you age, these supporting...
Immunity, The Most Talked About Nutrition Fad In 2020
The year that was worth forgetting but with resolutions to remember the lessons learnt, what the COVID pandemic has taught us. While all of us, if rewind events like a cassette film, we would shiver and sometimes even laugh at moments we lived in like...
Increasing Nutritional & Psychological Quotients Of Children Appearing For Board Examinations
“A mental marathon like Board examination needs a calm mind, healthy body, correct nutrition and psychological grooming without any stress to sail successfully.” With board exams round the corner, what matters the most to the parents and students are ‘grades’ though...
Parenting: Analogy for Some, Metaphor for Many
It was just a matter of time that transformed us from toddlers and adolescents and to young ones and here is a moment in our lives that we start dwelling upon issues related to looking after our own kids, their future and their well-being. When did we grow up? Are we...
You are not fat, you have fat, Melt It
Rightly told that ‘You are not Fat’….You have Fat. And you have fat because you collected it, grabbed it piecemeal….. unknowingly. Undoubtedly, fatty foods contribute to obesity…. Fat part of the food groups are the most calorie dense of all and if you have a broader...
Ande ka Funda
Eggs are one of the few superfoods that is considered to be containing much more than we can expect for a staple diet. It is supposed to be power house for protein as they contain all essential amino acids which our body can’t produce on its own naturally. To...
Plastic and Food, Are we safe?
It was just a matter of time that transformed us from toddlers and adolescents and to young ones and here is a moment in our lives that we start dwelling upon issues related to looking after our own kids, their future and their well-being. When did we grow up? Are we...